Thursday 17 November 2011

Today, PLR products are growing into more frequently used solutions by the fresh internet marketers who like to
design an online business.

Private label products (PLR) are the products that can be resold by an individual who bought the product rights.

In an alternative way, such products are available with resell rights. The content of private label offers blog content as well as website for the internet marketer beginner  and also helps them create their own product for the cost of about two frozen pizzas.

In the past few years, internet PLR sellers have increased dramatically. The main reason behind such popularity is the ease with which PLR products works-out-of-the-box, for those who like to brand their name easily.

Quality PLR products are packed with solid information.

PLR products such as videos, scripts and pod casts and also PLR articles are the least expensive way to include content
to your site, without the need for creating your own content.

PLR products also provide a way to design a new blog quickly and easily or to include content in an already existing blog. The products of PLR can be reports, website templates, e-books, niche site headers,software, or anything.

PLR eBooks and articles are the most popular product among the PLR products.

At present, there are many websites offering PLR products.

Most PLR products are available at affordable prices. If you like to access PLR products with no charges then you must always keep your eyes open for special events.

Such types of events are generally prepared by the internet marketing experts in order to share the PLR products created by them.

The PLR products feature exclusive and unique product knowledge, Amazing promotional tools, Link tracker, video recordings and eBooks, internet marketing software and page generator for an easy squeeze.

PLR products are incredibly versatile.

You can make use of these PLR products to design your own eBooks. With the help of PLR products you can insert new content on your site instead of writing the content yourself.


Tuesday 25 October 2011

Create An Instant Website - Within Minutes (really)

"Welcome To Wayne's Associates Blog"

  1. ...If you have just signed up and joined......WELCOME! 
'Let me share something with you -- there is a PROCESS to making money online.
Just like in ANY business - on or off line - there is a PROCESS to success. 

There's a great saying that I'm sure you know -'those that fail to plan, plan to fail'.
This has never been truer than trying to establish an online business.
Lack of fundamental business building knowledge is really the primary cause for so much time wasting.I meet so many people who tell me they want to make money online.

Simply put - you now have no excuse not to start your web business.
                'It is the greatest of all mistakes, to do nothing'     
People will go to any effort to learn the simple skills necessary to START. So therefore - CONGRATULATIONS GO OUT TO YOU !

I was only able to achieve any level of success - after three things happened:
  • I spent some time EDUCATING myself learning some new skills
  1. I made sure I UNDERSTOOD these new skills                  I IMPLEMENTED these new skills 
  • If you are new to this- Making Money Online - please spend a few minutes on this page.
    As I have a few short articles for you here - that if you understand and implement - will save you months of struggling and allow you to begin to earn an income online quickly.                                                            

    Want to make money online?       You will however make money online by driving traffic to a squeeze page. And then developing a relationship with your list.

    What is a squeeze page?
    A squeeze page is a web page that has only one purpose -- to build your list.
    A squeeze page will have an opt in form on it -- to allow your visitors to join your list.

    In fact -- I'd go as far to say -- the product that you were thinking about selling -- you may want to consider giving it away for free (if you have the rights to do this -- or if it is your own product).
    n return for this gift -- your visitor will give you his email address.
    start quoteA website is not a business. A product is not a business. What is a business?
    Customers.end quote

    Once you start building your list -- you begin a relationship with them.
    Communicate with them -- email them.

    Remember a website is not a business. There are millions of websites that don't make any money. A product is not a business either. Anyone can get a product to sell.
    I see a lot of people struggle with 'understanding' how the web works.And I can completely relate to this!    

    Remember you are selling to PEOPLE.
    And people are motivated and fueled by emotions.
    It's usually a fear of something -- '...I'm scared of not having enough money...' -- or it's a hope and dream '...I want to be able to do this...'

    If you can paint a picture to minimize a problem - or make a dream a reality - - people will be a lot more responsive to your offer.
    And you can accomplish this!  'the easiest way to make money online is to make commissions by selling other peoples products.

    All you have to do is send traffic to the marketer's webpage & collect commission checks!

    When you first join an affiliate program you are given an affiliate link that goes to the website of the product owner. This special link is encoded with your unique affiliate id and when you send someone to the product owners site through your special link and they make a purchase you receive a commission. This works out great for both you and the product owner, because you make a nice paycheck and the product owner makes more sales and cuts down on advertising costs at the same time.

    Use Unique Web Pages! 

    First, let's talk about using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. It's very important not lump all of your chosen affiliate programs together on one website just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site or at the very least a sub domain focusing on each and every product and nothing more. This way you can streamline and target your marketing efforts for better results.
    Be sure to make the pages attractive, compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the product is about and will make them want to find out more. That is when they will click on your affiliate and help you make more commissions
    Name & Email Address!Next let's talk about collecting contact information by offering free reports to your prospects. This does two important thing for your affiliate business. It allows you to further educate your prospects and follow up with them in the future with more information on the products you offer.

    For this to work you will need a good autoresponder service. You will want to create a short report and series of seven to ten autoresponder messages that will be mailed to people who sign up to receive your free report. Did you know that according to research, a sale is usually closed on the seventh contact with a prospect? Hence the reason you will want to create a series of follow up messages.

    When you are creating your content focus on important points like how the product can make things easier and more enjoyable for people who purchase it. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word “free” because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk folder before anyone reads them.

     Traffic!I want to touch on one more thing that you can do to increase your chances of affiliate marketing success. That is getting traffic. The kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think about it this way, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back.

    One of the best ways to get this kind of traffic is by writing articles for submission and publication. A good rule of thumb it to try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and submitting these articles to you can generate as many as 100 targeted prospects to your site in a day.

    That may not sound like much for all of the work you put in but statistics show that 1 out of every 100 people are likely to make a purchase. If you can generate a 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can make 10 sales based on the average statistic and the best thing is that the articles will continue to work for you even after you have moved on to another product.

    None of the tactics that we have discussed are very difficult to do, if you think about it, it just requires a little time and an action plan on your part. Once you have completed the process for one affiliate program you can move on to the next and you will end up with a good source of income along with a thriving affiliate marketing business.

    CHOOSE The Right Affiliate Product To Promote!

    One of the best ways to choose a product to promote is by deciding whether or not you are interested in purchasing the product yourself. If that is the case, chances are, there are many others who are also interested in it as well. Of course, you can't just base your decision to promote an affiliate program on weather or not you like the product, but it is a good place to start.
  • - You will want to look for a program that is of high quality
  • - Look for the ones that offer real and viable products.
  • - Does the program cater to a growing target market?

  • - A program with a compensation plan that pays out a residual income and a payout of 30% or more would be a great choice.
  • - Be aware of any minimum quotas that you must fulfill.
  • - Select programs that have plenty of pre made tools and resources that can help you grow the business in the shortest possible time. Not all affiliate programs have these capacities.
  • - Check out weather or not the program has an automated system that allows you to check your referral statistics and compensation at any time.
  • - Does the program offer strong incentives for customers to make additional purchases
  • Always get to know the product and program you are considering. Knowing the kind of program you are getting yourself into will help you anticipate and prevent any future problems you may encounter. Do some research and don't be afraid to ask questions before you join.

  • questions you should ask:- Will it cost you anything to join?
    Most affiliate programs being offered today are absolutely free of charge. So why settle for those that charge you some dollars before joining.

    - When do they issue the commission checks?
    Every program is different. Some issue their checks once a month, every quarter, etc. Select the one that is suited to your payment time choice.

    - What is the amount of commission paid?
    If the program pays per sale (which are the ones I prefer) you can expect to make anywhere from 5% - 75% depending on the program. You will also find programs that pay for each hit or each impression.The amount paid for those type of programs is not much at all, so you must be prepared to send large volumes of traffic through your affiliate link to make a nice paycheck.

    These are just some of the questions that need answering before you enter into an affiliate program. You should be familiar with all of the important aspects of your chosen program. They can help you select the right program for your affiliate business.

  • Boost Your Affiliate Commissions!Affiliate marketing doesn't require product development, dealing with customer support, complaints or refunds. As a matter of fact it is one of the easiest ways of starting an online business and earning more profits. Assuming that you have followed some of the above steps and that you have already chosen some affiliate programs that you want to promote, what would be the next thing you would want to do?

    How about double, or even triple, your commissions as quickly as possible?

    If you answered yes to that question then you will enjoy this! I have some great tips to share with you that will help you boost your affiliate commissions quickly. The first thing you will want to decide on is which program the ones you have chosen is the best. Obviously, you want to promote a program that will enable you to achieve the greatest profits in the shortest possible time. There are several factors to consider when selecting a program to focus on.

    Then narrow down your choices to the ones that have a generous commission structure and that fit in with your target audience. Check to make sure that they have a solid track record of paying their affiliates easily on time. You can do that by performing a search for the product name plus the words "affiliate payments". If anyone is complaining that they aren't getting paid you will find posts about the issue.

    Remember there are thousands of affiliate programs online so you can be picky. You want to take your time and select the best so that you can avoid wasting your time and losing your advertising dollars. Now let's get down to some quick tips that you can use to increase your commissions:

    - Participate in chat rooms related to the product you're reselling. Start a conversation with a person without trying to sell to them. Later on, while you are chatting, mention the product you're reselling.

    - Create a free ebook with the advertisement and link of your affiliate web site. The subject of the free ebook should entice your target audience to down-load it. Also submit it to some ebook directories for even better results.

    - Start your own affiliate program directory. Join a large number of affiliate programs and list them all in a directory format on your web site. Then just advertise your free affiliate program directory.

    - Write your own affiliate program ads. If all the other affiliates use the same ads you do, that does not give you an edge over your competition. Use a different ad to give yourself an advantage over all the other affiliates.

    - Use a personal endorsement ad. Only use one if you've actually bought the product or service for the affiliate program. Tell people what kind of benefits and results you've received using the product. Endorsements also increase the credibility of the product you are promoting.

    - Advertise the product you're promoting in your signature file. Use an attention getting headline and a good reason for them to visit your affiliate site. Make sure your sig file doesn't go over 5 lines. You can use this in your outgoing emails, on forums and in blog comments.

    - Participate on web discussion boards. Post your comments, answer other people's questions, and ask your own questions. If you can work in how your product can help solve someone's problem all the better for you and don't forget to include your sig file when you post.

    - Create a free newsletter build around the topic of your chosen product. It doesn't have to be fancy, just informative and helpful. Then use it to advertise the affiliate programs you've joined. Submit it to online ezine directories and promote it on your web site.

    - Use bonuses to help sell your products! Using bonuses is one of the easiest ways to motivate people to purchase from you. Remember, you're often competing with many other marketers. By offering a relevant bonus with the product you're trying to sell, you'll help tip the prospect's buying choice in you favor.

    - Start a private web site. Use it as a free bonus as well. Especially if people buy the product you're promoting. You could also allow people to join for free and then advertise your affiliate programs inside. This does two things. It allows you to keep in touch with your prospects and it makes them feel as if they are receiving extra value when they purchase form you.

    - As we discussed in earlier, use product reviews and testimonials. They are one of the best methods to help make a sale. That's why you will see so many testimonials on a sales page. Take your time and write intelligent product reviews of the products you are marketing and collect testimonials from the people who purchase from you.

    - Use a blog to provide useful information in your niche and include your well written product recommendations. When you post regularly you'll be able to start generating a steady stream of traffic and sales from the search engines. Just be sure to keep your blog focused on good keywords that relate to the products you are promoting.

    - Build a list of prospects. The easiest way of doing this is by providing an email opt-in on your website. Ideally, create a system where you offer a bonus if the visitor joins your list. Use a good autoresponder system like Getresponse to collect email address and load a series of 7-10 emails with useful information and free resources. As time goes by your readers will find your information useful and you will be able to convert them in to paying customers.

    Give some of these strategies a try. I don't recommend trying all of them at the same time. Just focus on two or three at first and see the difference it can make to your commission checks.
    TIP: Be sure to check the directories terms of service before you submit articles with affiliate links. Some directories frown on this and in that case all you have to do is set up a page on your own website or blog and send your reader their first.