Friday 18 May 2012

"Ezine Advertising Is The Most Effective Way of Web Site Promotion And Building Your Online Prospects.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Dear Friend, Do you sometimes feel like you should be making more money from your online efforts, but you're not sure what you need to learn in order to make really big money on the Internet? Let's face it, there's a lot to know about running a profitable Internet business. Have you ever considered that there might be a few holes in your marketing education, and if you could only just fill in those gaps... you'd instantly become more powerful, more capable of generating the kind of wealth you know you deserve? In order for you to be a huge success online, you've must invest in your marketing education, and until now... that's always been a very expensive process. Since you've put your trust in me by joining the Free Advertising Forum I have a solution for you that's going to make it easy for you to becoming an Instant Online Expert. Imagine how much money you could make online if you knew all the dirty little secrets that (until recently) only the big-boy experts knew about. Things like... How to make money from Google Adsense How to set up your own profitable blog How to create your own software products How to make a fortune on eBay How to hire ghostwriters to create your products How to make money by podcasting How to protect your computer from adware and viruses How to use offline marketing strategies to promote your online business

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Thought For The Day - Staying on Target!

By Wayne Roberts.
The key to succeeding at anything - is persistence.
It's not being skilled at something. It's not even having a particular talent. It's simply good old fashioned - 'not quitting'.
Anyone that is successful at anything - will tell you that there were moments when they could have given up.
Giving up - is easy.
Traveling along a path less traveled - into uncharted waters - is tough.
It takes courage.
That's why most people will not do it.
Because - frankly - it's scary.
Making Money Online will require you to step out of your comfort zone.
Are you ok with that? You will need to get comfortable - with being uncomfortable.
And whats more - you will meet people along the way - maybe even family members - who will call you foolish.
Wish them well - think no ill of them - but equally give no time and energy to their comments.
Some however will have their heads turned by these doubters - will agree with their words - and will quit.
Others (will you be one of them?) - will politely acknowledge their comments - but soldier on regardless.
And when you have a moment of self doubt -- which we all do -- you may like to remember one of two of the following...
Here are some famous (and not-so-famous) real life examples of individuals who had others put up barriers in their path -- but they marched on regardless.

  • 'Nobody will watch a show about nothing...' -- what Jerry Seinfeld and co-creator Larry David were first told when they began to pitch Seinfeld.
  • 'There's no market for it. If there were, major airlines would already be offering it...' -- conclusion given to Fred Smith, founder of FEDEX.
  • 'People will rent videotapes, but they'll never buy them...' --opinion of media experts later proved wrong by Jane Fonda's exercise tapes.
  • 'A global, twenty-four-hour news network will never work...' -- network executives' response to Ted Turner's plans for CNN.
  • 'It's a cutthroat business, you've got no chance of success...' -- accountant for Estee Lauder, founder of the multibillion dollar cosmetics empire.
  • 'You're foolish to try and sell sparkling water in the land of Coca-Cola drinkers...' -- advice given to Gustave Leven by several consulting firms when hearing of his plans to launch Perrier in the US.
  • 'It's a huge risk and it will never fly...' -- aeronautical engineers evaluation of Bill Lear's design for a jet.
  • 'Personal computers are a hobbyist fad...' - prediction of IBM, Intel, HP and Atari.
    My favorite:
  • 'The feedback is the lowest we've ever had, lower than women's bowling, it just won't work...' -- the BBC's comments to Ricky Gervais after a test screening of The Office. 

    The moral being.... Henry Ford so famously once put it:
    "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."

  • Monday 7 May 2012


    " What Exactly Is A Blog?

    Blogs are websites – but a certain type of website.  Rather than selling a service or a product (although a blog can also be used for that) – a blog tends to be an online journal where the user posts thoughts, comments or news.  Blogs often look like diaries.  They are personal web pages consisting of regularly updated entries displayed in reverse chronological order.

    The activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog is a "blogger”.
    And creating a blog is very easy – and free.

    Saturday 24 March 2012

    Create Your First Web Site: Smart business owners !.

    Create Your First Web Site: Smart business owners understand that you need to promote your website in order for it to really perform well. Having a website is not enough by itself. If you want new potential customers to find it, you have got to promote it. Otherwise you have a great looking website that doesn't generate any more sales for you.

    Friday 16 March 2012



    Thursday 16 February 2012

    collectablesworldproducts.: :Make Money Online Free: PROCESS To Making Money O...

    collectablesworldproducts.: :Make Money Online Free: PROCESS To.: Make Money Online Free: Like In ANY Business There Is A PROCESS To Success.Serious about making money online, you need to have a different attitude...

    Sunday 12 February 2012

    :Ways to Promote Products"

    Article Marketing

    "If you’re an affiliate who’s just starting out and doesn’t have a big budget to spend on your advertising initiatives, or if you enjoy writing, article marketing can be a good way to start promoting products without having to spend a lot of money. Your main investment in article marketing will be your time and creativity.

    Wednesday 8 February 2012

    "Think & Grow Rich Action Plan" Home Study Course:


                                                                First Published In 1923!  So what exactly did 'Think And Grow Rich' change for me? Why did it have so much of a profound impact on not only myself but tens of millions of people around the world?                                                                                                                                                    

    Tuesday 7 February 2012

    Andrew Carnegie

    Influence of Andrew Carnegie (1835–1919)

    Andrew Carnegie
    Hill considered the turning point in his life to have occurred in the year 1908 with his assignment, as part of a series of articles about famous and successful men, to interview the industrialist Andrew Carnegie. At the time, Carnegie was one of the most powerful men in the world. Hill discovered that Carnegie believed that the process of success could be outlined in a simple formula that anyone would be able to understand and achieve. Impressed with Hill, Carnegie asked him if he was up to the task of putting together this information, to interview or analyze over 500 successful men and women, many of them millionaires, in order to discover and publish this formula for success.[7]



     An affiliate is someone who promotes a product or service to potential customers,  exchange for a  commission on the sale when one occurs.

    Saturday 4 February 2012

    - Napoleon Hill.

      Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in Wise County, Virginia. He began his writing career at age 13 as a "mountain reporter" for small town newspapers and went on to become America's most beloved motivational author. His work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation. His most famous work, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling books of all time. Hill established the Foundation as a nonprofit educational institution whose mission is to perpetuate his philosophy of leadership, self-motivation, and individual achievement.
    - Napoleon Hill.

    Friday 3 February 2012

    Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich 01

    Welcome to my blog create your first web site.I would like to introduce you to Napoleon Hill-Think And Grow Rich.I highly recommend you watch this video.